
Jesus Christ made this amazing statement—“I have come that they might have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). This statement is amazing because it shows God’s desire for you. Jesus Christ wants you to experience life—His life, in and through you, every day, here and now.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple, powerful, and life changing. It declares the love of God for mankind. It is the good news people long to hear. NeedforTruth, is dedicated to proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ and the profound simplicity of His love and grace. My hope is that the clear presentation of these important truths will led you to discover the love of God and will encourage you to experience the fullness of the New Covenant life that is yours In Christ.

Jesus Christ laid down His Life for you, so that He could offer His Life to you, so that he could live His Life through you!